Google Pay Per Click Advertising


Why Google Advertising?

Shopping. Purchasing. Researching. All of these activities and more are done on the world’s largest search engine: Google.

It’s no surprise then that your customers (and prospective customers) are doing their searching on the world-wide-web via the Google Search Engine. Google boasts that it holds over 92% of search engine market share. That’s an incredible amount of search traffic!

With so many individuals “Google-ing” each day, it’s more important than ever to claim your ad space! Google offers prime real estate for businesses seeking to get found online.

How Google Paid Ads Work

Many businesses ask us- “how do I show up first on Google?”

This is a loaded question. But we’re happy to help answer that for you.

The Google Ads Relationship With Google SEO

What a client typically means when they ask this question is how do they rank #1 Organically. Google PPC Ads and Organic search are two different, but complementary things. Organic search is essentially your “free” ranking. It does not involve purchasing ads but looks at your site and your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) success.

Google Paid Ads allow websites that are new, recently created, or don’t yet rank well organically to stand a fighting chance in search. Through a thoughtful and strategic combination of keywords, ad copy, and landing page content, your company can purchase clicks and increase your visibility on Google by essentially working to purchase space at the top of search results.

When your clients do a Google search for a product or service you offer your ads will appear on the page with a little [Ad] tag. With a strategic and effective campaign in place, those ads will be at the top!

Will Google Ads Work for Me?

Are your customers searching for products and services like yours on Google? If the answer is yes, then YES!

Your Google Ads Management Team

When you work with Taylored Marketing LLC, our team works with you to determine and establish your advertising goals. Based on your goals, we work to build out the most effective ad campaign possible for your products or services.

Our advertising services include:

  • Keyword research & set up of general and long-tail keywords for your campaign

  • Utilizing Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match keywords for optimal bidding efficiency

  • Ad content creation including keywords/phrases and call to action

  • Strategic ad targeting based on your ideal audience

  • Negative keyword implementation for optimal monthly spend

  • Monthly maintenance

  • Monthly custom reporting

All campaigns are strategic and based on your individual company goals.

Taylored Marketing LLC Google ad management is a Month-to-Month service. This means there are no contracts to buy out of and you can pause or discontinue your ads at any time with 30-day written notice.

Getting Started with Google Advertising

Your Google ads account may be set up and running within a month or less!*

Discover the difference a targeted strategic ad campaign can do for your business.

Get Started with Google Ads